To return to Thursday's post for a moment, Patrick Leigh Fermor mentions Mary Russell Mitford and Our Village in one of his letters to Deborah Devonshire quoted in In Tearing Haste. MRM was a member of the same Northumberland family from which DD (née Mitford) was descended, and she replies with the following aside:
"When the French Lady(i) wrote Highland Fling(ii) Lady Redesdale(iii) suggested it should be called Our Vile Age (see?) but Evie(iv) had just done Vile Bodies so it wasn't."
(i) Nancy Mitford
(ii) her first novel, published in 1931
(iii) Mother of NM and DD
(iv) Evelyn Waugh
I like that!
I also thorougly enjoyed 'In Tearing Haste'.
Posted by: Toffeeapple | 07 January 2016 at 06:19 PM
I'm loving it, too!
Posted by: Cornflower | 08 January 2016 at 01:25 PM