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Cornflower book group

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Fran H-B

Thanks for these links. I am reading the new biography of Charlotte by Claire Harman right now so they are very apt.


There was a piece on our local news programme about the exhibition and it looked fascinating. I admire Tracy Chevalier as a writer so I would be very interested to see how she has approached the exhibition.
I haven't been to Haworth for a very long time despite not living that far away from it so I really must make the effort in the next month or so before we get to the start of tourist season when looking around the museum there can be rather frustrating because there are so many people there.


From a small island off the New England coast, USA: thanks so much for bringing this to our attention and for providing the link. It is a fascinating video and the level of detail on each and every exhibit is amazing. I've forwarded it on to my knitting group -- a very talented and well read group of ladies.


Good timing, Fran.


I've never been and would love to go - a 'slight plan' to go to Yorkshire this month didn't come off, but one day, perhaps.


Thank you, Ginny, and I hope your friends will find it of interest.

Denise Salway

I hope everyone enjoys the video. Tracy Chevalier was the most wonderful person to meet and it was a privilege to be asked personally by her to see if I could design and hand knitted the burning bed scene from the book Jane Eyre for the museum,celebrating Charlotte Brontë.
I was lucky to be one of four artists to be included in the Great and Small. I highly recommend a visit ,not because of my involvement but its the most atmospheric place, wonderful people and area. It's very inspiring. I think you can guess I was so proud and hope you approve of my small part in knitting . Thank you for posting on your blog Denise Salway Aka @knittingwitchuk


Denise, thank you so much for stopping by! I think your piece is just terrific, as is your Girl with a Pearl Earring which I saw not long ago. Wonderful work!

Denise Salway

You live in a most wonderful place Ginny
I hope your knitting group approves of my small Interpretation and contribution to the Talented Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre burning bed scene. I was so proud to be asked by Tracey Chevalier herself and Brontë Society.
Best wishes Denise Salway


I do hope that you get there eventually as it is well worth a visit. It is never exactly quiet but having visited in both summer and off-season, I would say that autumn/winter is definitely more atmospheric!

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