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  • Adrian Tinniswood: The Power and the Glory
  • Martin Williams: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
  • Gavin Plumley: A Home for all Seasons
  • Robert Harris: Precipice
  • Nigel Slater: A Thousand Feasts
  • Joan Aiken: Tales of London Town
  • Alan Connor: 188 Words for Rain
  • Ben Robinson: English Villages: An Extraordinary Journey through Time














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Coming across the Pond in January and the Persephone store in London is on my itinerary. Thanks for the suggestions. Hope Diane Athill's book is out by then. Sounds wonderful.


I hope you have a great trip, Mary!
Diana Athill's book is due out next week (3rd. Nov.).

Dark Puss

Sorry to say I am completely ignorant of these publications by Persephone Books.


No, I wouldn't have you down as an avid reader of The Persephone Post or the Biannually, DP!


Oh you have done it again and put bookish temptation in my path!
I have the latest Biannually but have yet to do more than glance at it so I missed the two books you have - both of which very much appeal to me!
As unfortunately do the books by Pete Brown and Diana Athill and as Elin Hilderbrand's lovely Nantucket-set books are a not so guilty pleasure, I also crave the third in the Winter Street series!
I suppose I could put them on a Christmas list but unfortunately my nearest and dearest are all of the opinion that I have too many already!


I haven't read Elin Hilderbrand before so I'm glad to hear her books are good.
As for having "too many" books, let's think of acquiring more as an act of support for authors, illustrators, publishers, booksellers, libraries ... !


I had an e mail from Persephone today telling me that my copy of Long Live Great Bardfield is in the post, I'm hoping it arrives tomorrow.


Hope so, Claire.


Thank you for the reminder of the Whipple short stories, I really don't want to miss it.


You're welcome.
I must go and watch the Virago documentary and see if there's any mention of 'the Whipple line'!


They wouldn't be counted as great literature by those who are snobbish about books but she writes lovely absorbing family stories that are a lovely light relief if you have been reading heavier fare. I have always been fascinated by Nantucket and the Cape Cod area too so that makes them even more enjoyable.
I am currently reading Lindsay Hawdon's Jakob's Colours about the Romany Holocaust which is beautifully written and a book which will remain with me but it is heartbreaking so I will probably be in need of something lighter when I have finished!


Did you? And was there?


I did, and there was not, and thank goodness there's Persephone to give Mrs. Whipple's books a home.


Jakob's Colours is excellent - and harrowing, as you say.


Oh yes!

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