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Fran H-B

This looks just the book I would love...I had noticed it in your sidebar, definitely on the wanted list now. I always have a tinge of sadness when I read of such a book, it would have been the perfect Christmas gift for my late father. I am thankful I have been given his love of art and colour, although not his talent for calligraphy.


I've only just started reading it, but dipping in here and there I'm finding it fascinating.
Calligraphy is an often overlooked talent: beautiful script is wonderfully expressive and adds another dimension to whatever it is the means of conveying.


I used to do a lot of calligraphy, it was so enjoyable, forming the letters smoothly. I can't sit long enough at a table to do it any longer, more is the pity.


That is a pity.


I recently invested in a good fountain pen earlier in the year, and have been really enjoying using it. In fact, so much so that I bought another pen with a finer nib, so now I'm covered for whichever mood I get in. I've also discovered the various colo(u)red inks now available. We only had dark blue in ink wells at our desks as a school girl, so again, lots of choices.

People at work are always so amazed when I actually use the ink pen. I think that some of them put it into the same category as a quill. :-)

Thanks for the details about the ink. Interesting that people will add scent to the ink, but makes sense when you consider the animal flesh that they were writing upon.


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