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Anne B-A

Karen - thank you very much for this recommendation. I will definitely procure. I never gave birds too much thought until a very lovely local friend, who is a keen birdwatcher, opened my eyes to the joys of birds. We had a really magical late afternoon one autumn out in Aberlady watching the geese and others. Very memorable. This book sounds completely up my street. Thank you!


I'm amazed at the effect the book has had on me, Anne - that alone speaks volumes!
As to my own birdwatching, I've hung a feeder in the garden and am enjoying seeing the bullfinches and other small birds having their fill.


I'm grateful for this review as I've had this book on my wish list for a while and was never sure whether it would really be for me. Like you, I'm not much of a bird watcher but now I'm sure, I would like it. It sounds like she has a lot to offer and the authors she mentiosn appeal to me.


I'm glad it appeals, Caroline. It's full of lovely lines such as blackbirds being the Beethoven of the birds (one is singing as I type!), and the in-between time of the evening being known as 'owl-light': delights on every page.


I don't call myself a birdwatcher in the true sense of the word but I was drawn to birds when in a boring job on Reception where I put up a couple of feeders. The result was that I was able to really concentrate on the birds, note their flight patterns, which were ground feeders, which preferred small seeds to peanuts and such like. I find joy in seeing the small birds on the feeders and the Corvidae on the ground scavenging, such individual characters, these. I thought that I had put this book on my wish list but I had not so I shall now go and order it, thank you for the reminder.


You're welcome, Toffeeapple, and I very much hope you will get as much from the book as I have done.

Anne B-A

Karen - it is so exciting when you discover a book that works so well. I am excited for you!

Dark Puss

I can hardly believe what I have just read! Much love and welcome to the enthusiasts corner :-) xx

Fran H-B

Since childhood I have watched birds. I am not a twitcher or someone who rushes from one end of the country to spot some elusive warbler with no distinguishing features which has washed up on our shores. But I watch birds. The sparrows who live in a noisy community in the hedge beside my house, the antics on the bird feeders and now, daily I am scanning the skies to see the return of house martins, swallows and other migrants. I do keep a list of dates each year, just for curiosity as our climate changes and spring starts earlier than in years past. Just last week I was thrilled to hear a willow warbler beyond the garden fence...last year I failed to hear one in the trees.
I have read quite a bit on the loss of so many of our native birds, the reasons why, the possibility that we may lose more. Sad reading at times so when I first saw your mention of this book I knew it was for me. A trip to the nearest independent book shop is imminent as this sounds to be a book I really can't be without. Very pleased to hear how it has worked for you.

Lou Weekes

It's very heartening to read such positive reviews for this wonderful, life-enhancing book. I enjoyed every thoughtful word and found it so humbly written . I was devastated when I researched Rosamond Richardson and discovered she had passed away before I had read Waiting for the Albino Dunnock. Such a loss. I felt I had met a like-minded soul in Rosamond as her book resonated with me such a lot. I would have loved to pass on my heartfelt admiration of this book to Rosamond but the next best thing is to find appreciative fans! May Rosamond's beautiful spirit always be with us.


Hear, hear, Lou.

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