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Thanks for the links. I must say I understand the reason to choose writing in a notebook vs. typing the same information in one's phone/laptop. A completely different feeling emerges when reading notes in your own handwriting vs. the same notes in a somewhat soulless electronic font. As Robert Macfarlane indicates, going back over months and years of his various notebooks, the very tactile notebook with its faded print, watermarks, items tossed in, etc. brings back a moment in time in a way an electronic device simply cannot do.


Fascinating to see and read about Robert Macfarlane's notebooks for Underland. The more I read about his new book the more I want to read it. Will you read it?


I so agree.


Yes, I'm very much looking forward to it.


Oh well, if no one else is going to admit it, I will confess to adoring Game of Thrones - it has been unmissable viewing for me since the first series!
I never could resist dragons (blame fairy tales, Tolkien and Anne McCaffrey) but the wonderful characters and scope of story telling -the absorbing breadth of it, so different from everything else on the TV at the time - was utterly irresistible.
I did start reading George R R Martin's books and thoroughly enjoyed them, but I stopped when the TV series storyline started to diverge from the source deciding to go with the series.
Now that we are only three episodes from the end on screen, I am dusting my copies off so I won't feel completely exiled from Westeros!


Thanks, Liz, I shall have to see what I've missed!

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