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  • Adrian Tinniswood: The Power and the Glory
  • Martin Williams: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
  • Gavin Plumley: A Home for all Seasons
  • Robert Harris: Precipice
  • Nigel Slater: A Thousand Feasts
  • Joan Aiken: Tales of London Town
  • Alan Connor: 188 Words for Rain
  • Ben Robinson: English Villages: An Extraordinary Journey through Time














Cornflower book group

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Dark Puss

No book is "unopened, for a disgracefully long time"! It is maturing, perhaps you will take a week or a year of indeed a lifetime to feel it is "ready". The book doesn't care. I have a few (very few books) maturing and I am not concerned in the least if I never read them even though I want to. Chill :-)


You are right, of course. I bought that book in hardback as soon as it came out, so keen was I to read it; given how long it's taken me to get to it I could have waited for the (cheaper) paperback!


I have the book, the daffodils and the tea, sadly not the fire - but I'm not opening any windows yet!


Open windows? Brrr!

Fran H-B

One Woman's Year was an unexpected Christmas present to me. I love it....Persephone rarely get it wrong! It is shelved beside other monthly books, mostly nature in content and I set aside an afternoon near the beginning of each month to read the relevant chapters from all. Loved the thought of the light returning, thrills me every year.

Dark Puss

:-) x

Christine Harding

I bought One Woman's Year as a Christmas present to myself, and I love the portayal of a gentler, slower world. Like Fran, I try to set aside some time each month to read the relevant chapters from my monthly and nature books - but unlike her this one is shelved with all the other Persephones!

Margaret Powling

I love this book. I never thought it would be 'picked up' by Persephone and I'm sure had I suggested it to the powers that be at Persephone they'd have rejected it as not being weighty enough, so I was surprised to see they had re-issued it. I have an original copy from the 1950s, it's a fun read.

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