"Lord Belpher [who had had a most trying day in London] in the library, had begun with the aid of a whisky and soda to feel a little better. There was something about the library with its sombre half tones that soothed his bruised spirit [...] The world, with its violent adventures and tall policemen, did not enter here. There was balm in those rows of books which nobody ever read, those vast writing tables at which nobody ever wrote. From the broad mantelpiece the bust of some unnamed ancient looked down almost sympathetically. Something remotely resembling peace had begun to steal into Percy's soul [...]."
PG Wodehouse, A Damsel in Distress.
For some reason, I cannot get into PGW, I have tried many times. It is the same with V. Wolf.
Posted by: Toffeeapple | 29 March 2020 at 07:12 PM
That might make a subject for a post - authors we've tried but with whom we just don't get on.
Posted by: Cornflower | 30 March 2020 at 02:45 PM