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Rebecca Leamon

Mary Stewart was one of my favorites, especially as a voracious reader growing up in a tiny town in Maine: I visited a lot of exotic spots in Europe thanks to her. Wildfire at Midnight is one of her creepier ones--I think Moonspinners and Nine Coaches Waiting are my favorites.


Moonspinners was one of the first ones of MS's I read as a teenager (I think my old copy is still around).


Just love all Mary Stewart. Am about to start the Gabriel Hounds, one of the few I haven't read.


I haven't read that one either but it does sound good.


I used to get Mary Stewart books from the library and I can still remember how pleased I would be walking home with my newly borrowed Mary Stewart book. Wonder if I would enjoy them so much now? Might try and reread one if I can find one at the moment. Anne


Definitely worth a try, I'd say, Anne.

Limdsay Bagshaw

My mother was very fond of her - is there one called something like Madam will you Walk?, which I remember on her bookshelves. Wildfire at Midnight, while not exactly my genre of choice, has some fine descriptions of Scottish mountains, which I enjoy now I am too old and flabby to get up them myself! And Stromy Petrel has a similarly remote Scottish feel, albeit on an island not in the mountains.

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