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  • Adrian Tinniswood: The Power and the Glory
  • Martin Williams: The King is Dead, Long Live the King
  • Gavin Plumley: A Home for all Seasons
  • Robert Harris: Precipice
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  • Joan Aiken: Tales of London Town
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I am reading Molly and the Captain by Anthony Quinn. The story takes place over three centuries and about three families. The title is of a painting which becomes famous in the 18 th century. I am half way through the book and am really enjoying it.

Jane from Dorset

I am reading ‘In Love with George Eliot’ by Kathy O’Shaughnessy
Picked up at random when I had to do a stint on the till in our local Oxfam bookshop.
I’m enjoying this fictionalised account of the novelist’s life closely based on events as they happened. It has encouraged me to read more of her novels.


I'm reading Lucy Worsley's biography of Agatha Christie, which is excellent. I'm not a great Christie fan but she had such an interesting life.


Thank you, Anne, Jane and Barbara (the new comments system - which I had to adopt as I could barely access the old one - means threads are no more and replies have to be indirect, and in cases like this, combined).
'Molly and the Captain' sounds good, Anne; what I've read of Anthony Quinn's has been good.
I shall look up 'In Love with George Eliot', Jane, and that reminds me that I have Jenny Uglow's biography of GE waiting to be read.
Barbara, I too very much enjoyed Lucy Worsley on AC.


Funny: a friend to whom I'd recommended Practical Magic many years ago just started reading it recently and is enjoying it. I hadn't heard of the prequel: perhaps something to ease me through February in Maine!


Yes indeed, Rebecca!

Dark Puss

I am reading, with Victoria Best, Calvino's Invisible Cities which I certainly recommend.


Thank you, DP, there happens to be a copy of that on our shelves so I'll bear in mind your recommendation.


I’ve just finished an audio book read by Eleanor Bron “The Parasites” by Daphne Du Maurer and I was reminded how much the audio narrator determines various things when you listen to a book. Would I have read each character in that way, was the tone as I imagined? All food for thought which means I will definitely read it for myself one day. I found it beguiling as sometimes I really did not like the Delaneys at all and yet I wanted to follow their extraordinary lives.


You've given me food for thought, Teresa: I never listen to audiobooks, and I wonder why that is. Is it to do with voice - the 'wrong' narrator possibly spoiling it - or is it just a habit I happen not to have adopted? I can certainly see how people enjoy listening when doing a task such as the ironing, or when out for a walk, but when I walk I like to have my wits about me and take in my surroundings, but perhaps I should give it a try!

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