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True enough but I would suggest that there is variation within the British Isles too isn’t there? Children for whom e.g. Arthur Ransome’s Broads are as foreign as can be. Great literature gives enough clues that a picture can be formed from whatever the memory holds; that’s the thing. We all bring ourselves to what we read so everyone reads something slightly different. There is no perfectly formed interpretation to aspire to.

Barbara M. In NH

Yes… that is the meaning of the poem, and why it was chosen for the title of the book. Emily Dickinson wrote that “ I never saw a moor……….but I know how the Heather looks.”

I grew up inland in the US…but I knew what Heather looked like, because I read about it. (Admittedly, some of my mental images did not match the real thing, but remember, I was a child!). As a young adult (23) I recognized what I remembered and adjusted my images but I KNEW where I was!

I red this book after I came home from my year in the UK (72-73) while I was raising 3 young ones who all gre up knowing “How the Heather looks.” We’ve moved many times, and books have had to be cast aside, but this one is still here, still treasured.

Barbara M. In NH


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of the amazing Americanah and We Should All Be Feminists, offers an interesting take on that topic in her TED Talk and essay, "The Danger of A Single Story." Worth looking up if you're not familiar with it.

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